Around the world 环游世界

After 888-days trip :

126 000 kilometres by land
30 000 euros
60 countries
3 passports used
16 000 photos

Countries I enjoyed the most : Malaysia, China, Oman, Algeria, Chili, Koreas
Country I enjoyed the least : India, Senegal, Vietnam, Nigeria, Colombia, USA

Average time per place : 2,5 nights
Average time per country : 15 days

Most welcoming countries : Where there are the least tourists
Least welcoming countries : The most cosmopolitan countries

Least easy countries (safety/money/VISA/infrastructure) : India, Pakistan, Iran, Syria, Algeria, Mali, Nigeria, North Korea

Most isolated border : China/Pakistan
Most tense border: Pakistan/Iran
Most relaxed border : India/Nepal
Most chaotic border : Benin/Nigeria
Most watched border : China/North Korea

Least important country : Brunei Darussalam
Biggest immigration stamps : Brunei Darussalam

Most crowded transport : 19 on a jeep
Most reliable transport : the plane
Least reliable transport : the donkey
13 flights (without correspondance)
Near 300 different beds (without allthe night buses !)

Biggest city : Tokyo, Japan
Most chaotic city : Vanaresi, India
Cleanest city : Singapore, Singapore
Least safe city : Quetta, Pakistan
Most extravagant city : Dubai, UAE
Most touristic city : Kathmandu, Nepal
Most international city : New York, USA

Cheapest places : Cambodia, India, Pakistan, Malawi
Most expensive places : United Arab Emirates, Israel, Brazil, Patagonia, USA, Japan, North Korea

4 thefts (350€ + my whole backpack + 15 euros + 1 Lonelplanet book)
0 aggression

Things I still have with me after 888 days : My wallet, my labtop (after 4 repairs), my compass and my underwear (!) The rest has been stolen, broken, exchanged and lost

2kg weight lost
5 days sick
30 euros of medical services
1400 euros of medical insurance

Highest latitude : Whitehorse, Canada
Lowest latitude : Ushuaia, Argentina
Highest altitude : near Arequipa, Peru +4810m
Lowest altitude: Dead Sea, -417m

Most scary day : the first one
Most exciting day : the second one
Most emotional day : the last one

Majors difficulties : administrative procedures, safety, loneliness, type of countries, length of the tour, rythm of travel, uncertainties of all kind, minimum standard of life, few money, isolation, lassitude

Intellectual period : From China to Nepal
Emotional period : From Pakistan to Nigeria
Period of abandon : Africa
The easy part : the Americas
Conclusion of the trip : North-East Asia

Arav proverb of the day : الصبر مفتاح الفرج as-Sabrou miftaHou al-faraji : Patience is the key to the relief
Chinese proverb of yesterday : 一步一步, yi bu yi bu : step by step
Arab proverb for tomorrow : الصبر حدود aS-Sabri Houdoùdoun : Patience has limits

© 2020 François Briançon-Marjollet